Wednesday, July 22, 2009

7 Alasan Kenapa Akun Facebook Diblokir

Seorang teman yang biasanya online tiap hari di Facebook, belakangan tidak pernah online sama sekali. Tiba-tiba saja di lain waktu, dia bercerita bahwa dia nggak pernah online di facebook karena akun facebook nya tidak bisa dibuka alias diblokir.

Nah, apakah Anda ingin mengalami kejadian seperti ini? Kalau tidak, cari tahu alasan-alasan kenapa akun facebook kita diblokir berikut ini.

1. Menggunakan nama palsu atau nama suatu produk yang sudah dipatenkan.

2. Mengajak teman terlalu banyak.

Jangan berlebihan meng-add teman dalam sehari, karena tim admin bisa mengetahui gerak gerik Anda.

3. Terlalu banyak menulis Wall

Jangan keseringan menulis wall di wall Anda, group, atau teman Anda.

4. Terlalu banyak Bergabung di Group

Tidak perlu semua undangan untuk bergabung ke suatu group Anda terima, pastikan dulu kebutuhan Anda.

5. Copy Paste

Jangan karena malas menulis, lalu Anda main copy paste saja. Kalau ini terjadi Anda akan dianggap sebagai spammer.

6. Poke Berlebihan

Kurangi dalam menggunakan fitur poke agar tidak berlebihan.

7. Tulisan tidak etis

Hindari menulis hal-hal yang berbau pelecehan, pornografi, sara dan sejenisnya.

Demikian tip dan trik Facebook kali ini.

How to delete your Facebook account ?

Apparently, the Facebook account deletion process is straightforward. All you need to do is simply, login to your Facebook account, then click Account and from the Deactivate section choose Deactivate.

That was easy, isn�t it? The only caveat is that Facebook won�t actually wipe out your account but just keep it inactive. Therefore if you want to permanently delete your account, you should manually do the following:

  1. Delete your photo
  2. Delete Comments and messages you wrote
  3. Delete your friends from your friends list.
  4. Leave all your networks and groups you have joined.
  5. Delete all your photo albums.

If you want to reactivate your account, just login to Facebook with youremail and password. You�ll be then instructed on the procedure to follow in order to reactivate the account.


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hadiah Blackberry dan Voucher Belanja

1.Gebyar Hadiah 3 Bulanan (per 3 bulan periode bulan April - Juni 2009)
-Hadiah Voucher Pembelian Buku melalui, dengan ketentuan mengumpulkan Total/Nilai Transaksi Anda (tanpa perhitungan biaya kirim dan berlaku juga untuk akumulasi) periode bulan April - Juni 2009 dan dapatkan Gebyar Hadiah, sebesar :
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2.Gebyar Hadiah Semester (per 6 bulan periode bulan April - September 2009)
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Free Software for your BlackBerry

We've scoured the web and have come up with our top list of MUST HAVE free software downloads for the BlackBerry. We're growing this list all of the time, so if you would like to recommend a software for this list, please contact us. In addition to this list, we have several free software titles available for download in our BlackBerry Store.

Software Developers: Contact us to learn more about how we can help promote your products. We offer hosting, reviews and commentary for developers and their software!

Please Note - We'll be updating this directory soon to include many more titles.

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Viigo - CrackBerry Edition
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BlackBerry Messenger
Straight from RIM, BlackBerry Messenger is the best instant messaging software out there today... hands down. The feature we like best is the PIN to PIN capability.

If you own a BlackBerry, and don't already have this installed for some reason, you can download it by clicking the link below.

Download BlackBerry Messenger on your BlackBerry at:

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A definite must have for any BlackBerry user that is on the road (and aren't we all). Pull up maps with the touch of a button and find your way in seconds. Great for driving, especially if you have a navigator in the passenger seat!

Download Google Maps on your BlackBerry at:

Yahoo! Messenger
Another free instant messaging client, we like Yahoo! Messenger because it communicates perfectly with the desktop version of the software. What this means is you can keep in touch with your friends and family if they are at home on their computer. No need for them to be on a Berry!

Download Yahoo! Messenger from your mobile device at:

BlackBerry Push Weather Clients
Get useful weather information on your berry each and every day. The software (choose from AccuWeather or The Weather Network) lets you choose how you would like to receive updates... as a text message or have a browser channel appear on your homepage.

Very neat, very handy, and we recommend it.

Download BlackBerry Push Weather Clients from your BlackBerry at:

If you're big on pictures and photo albums, you'll love JiveSlide. It allows you to access all of your photos on your blackberry instantly via the internet. Just store your photos on Yahoo! of Flickr, link the albums to your account, and you're on your way.

We like this software because it completely eliminates the need for cables and waiting for images to download to your handheld... Just use the service wirelessly (wireless is always good!) and let the images stream down to your berry!

Download JiveSlide from your BlackBerry at:

Receive news from all over the world on your BlackBerry. You choose the content you wish to receive, and Piconews takes care of the rest. Very handy, and very cool if you have some downtime and wish to check out the news.

Download Piconews on your BlackBerry at:


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Menghapus Akun Facebook

Menghapus akun facebook secara permanen tidaklah mudah untuk dilakukan dalam waktu singkat seperti akun-akun situs social networking lainnya.

Ada beberapa proses yang harus Anda lakukan untuk
menghapus akun facebook Anda. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Hapus semua teman Anda di dalam daftar teman, hapus foto, komentar-komentar yang telah Anda berikan pada grup yang Anda ikuti.

2. Hapus semua informasi yang pernah Anda buat di halaman info.

3. Hapus semua tag foto.

4. Keluarlah keanggotaan dari berbagai grup yang pernah Anda ikuti.

5. Sekarang masuklah ke alamat berikut kemudian lakukan submit dengan memasukkan nama akun dan password Anda.

6. Sekarang Anda tinggal menunggu konfirmasi dari admin Facebook, jika dalam 14 hari Anda tidak melakukan aktivitas lagi maka akun Anda akan dihapus secara permanen.


Unblock Facebook - FaceBook Proxy

As previously mentioned, the main thing to keep in mind about Facebook is that it runs on the network principle. You can use a Facebook proxy to join multiple networks with multiple accounts but you need to understand how networks work first before you know which ones are right for you. There are a number of networks available on the website and in order to socially network with people you need to join one or more of these networks and start talking to the people that are already a part of that specific network. Networks are based on a number of different things.

Firstly, networks can be based on religion. There is a network for Catholics, for all of the different Protestant sects, for Hindus, Muslims, Jewish people and all other religions in the world. If your religion is not represented on, then you can go ahead and start a network for that religion; that's the power of the service! In addition to religion, networks can also be based on a specific workplace which allows you to create a Facebook network for you and your co-workers. networks can also be based around a college/university or a high school and this is the most popular network group on the website because it allows people to keep in touch after graduation.

One final word, many public terminals at schools and libraries have blocked and other social networking websites. If you want to get around this, just do a google search for "unblock Facebook" and use any one of the unblocking utilities currently available.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Menampilkan Foto Tertentu Saja pada Panel Friends

Facebook secara default, akan mengacak foto-foto yang ada di dalam panel Friends. Kalau Anda punya tujuan tertentu, misalnya; Anda mempunyai teman artis, maka biar orang lain tahu bahwa Anda memiliki teman artis, Anda bisa menampilkannya di sini huehue�..

Oke, tidak usah banyak cing cong, yuk segera kita praktikkan Tip dan Trik Facebook kali ini:

1. Pada panel Friends, klik aikon pen seperti ini.

2. Ketikkan nama orang yang ingin Anda tampilkan pada kolom, di situ akan muncul nama yang Anda kehendaki sehingga Anda tinggal mengkliknya dengan mouse.

3. Dengan cara yang sama, Anda bisa mengulanginya untuk menampilkan foto orang yang lain.


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