Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mengganti Username Facebook yang Sudah Dibuat Sebelumnya

Pihak Facebook akhirnya melunak. Pasalnya, setelah sebelumnya mengumumkan bahwapenggantian username hanya boleh dilakukan dalam sekali saja, tapi sekarang pihak Facebook membolehkan kita untuk mengganti username lagi jika kita sebelumnya sudah mengganti username.

Jadi misalkan dulu username kita sudah diganti dengan nama misalnya,, bisa kita ganti lagi menjadi

Bagaimana cara menggantinya? Yuk kita ikuti tutorial berikut ini.
1. Klik Settings > Account Settings.

2. Di bagian Username, klik Change.

3. Sekarang Anda tinggal mengetikkan username baru Anda.

Demikian tutorial Facebook kali ini, see you�.

Download BlackBerry App World 1.1

BBAppWorld_white_lowres_cropped.jpgIt seems it was only yesterday that we opened up a world of possibilities with BlackBerry App World�. We�re proud to announce the launch of BlackBerry App World 1.1!

BlackBerry App World 1.1 New Features

  • You can now view the Top 25 Free and Top 25 Paid applications!
  • When searching for applications, you can now filter by newest, name, price, vendor, popularity and relevance.

With BlackBerry App World 1.1, you�ll now be able to archive your downloaded and purchased applications on a microSD� Card. Click the �Continue Reading� link to read a brief FAQ and step-by-step guide on how to archive applications on your BlackBerry� smartphone.

Where do my apps go when I install them?

Any app you install on your BlackBerry smartphone (from BlackBerry App World or anywhere else) is installed in flash memory. Each BlackBerry smartphone has a different amount of flash memory � and this is what determines how many apps each device can have installed. With the new archiving feature, you can store the app on the microSD� card and restore it when you want to use it.

What will happen to our current applications?

All the apps you�ve downloaded and purchased from BlackBerry App World are currently stored in your �My World� account. After upgrading to BlackBerry App World 1.1, you can still archive the app � it will just be quickly downloaded again and then stored on your microSD� card.

How to Archive Applications on your BlackBerry:


In �My World�, you now have the new menu option �Archive�.

When clicked, BlackBerry App World will uninstall the application from the device memory and store it on the microSD� card.
Some apps require a reboot � some don�t � it all depends on the app.

The icon for the app will still appear where ever you have it (default on 4.5 and below is the home screen, on 4.6 it is the Downloads directory).
The icon will have a green arrow in the bottom corner indicating it�s been archived.

You can click on the icon and you�ll be prompted to see if you want to restore the app.
You can also restore from inside BlackBerry App World.
We're also launching BlackBerry App World today in Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Portugal. I tried to justify that my team needed to travel to each country for launch - but management didn't agree with that. No one can blame us for trying. I'm personally excited for Ireland - now all my cousins back home have another reason to love their BlackBerry smartphones.
Keep checking back to Inside BlackBerry - I'll be covering these new features in depth and also explaining how our review system works. For now, don�t forget to download BlackBerry App World 1.1!
Download BlackBerry App World 1.1(Desktop and OTA Download)


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