Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to Use Facebook Templates to Personalize Your Profile

Obviously Facebook is has nowhere near the customizable ability that MySpace allows you, but Facebook still has its place. Its popularity has been souring past MySpace and we all know MySpace has been on somewhat of a decline over the past year. Although you can�t totally pimp out your profile on Facebook you can use Facebook templates and applications to make it a bit more personalized.

Facebook templates are really just applications you can add to your Facebook profile that then allolws you to customize a bit by adding graphics, codes and more. You can do this using Gigya�s �My Stuff� Facebook application. You can also use this Facebook templates app to add video or even a slideshow to your profile with just one simple click. You�ll need to first add the �My Stuff� application to Facebook, then grab the code you want from slideshow, video, graphics, player, etc. and then just paste it into the box on the application. The code will be added to your Facebook templates in the �My Stuff� section of your profile. You can also add code directly to your profile using our free graphics and clicking on the copy button from the Gigya quick-posting tool.

Facebook Templates

Due to the new Facebook design, they no longer add the application box to your profile automatically. Now you need to go to the �My Stuff� edit page and click the �Add to profile� button. They also recommend that you add the My Stuff tab too for easier customization.

So there you have it! Now you can customize your Facebook templates to your heart�s desire�or at least as much as Facebook will allow at this point!


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